Shri Krishna:  Arjun, last time I explained you the implications of describing the nature of your assets in the Will. That will give some direction to the executor.

Arjun: Yes. You told me about the immovable and movable properties.

Shri Krishna: What is most important is the clarity of your thoughts and clarity in writing. You have to visualise all possibilities that can happen in today’s world.

Arjun: Example?

Shr Krishna Today, you are into kaliyug. Disputes are the rule of the day. No relationships are permanent. Divorces are not uncommon.

Arjun: I agree. Especially when your children are abroad, divorce may be more common.

Shri Krishna: So also, premature deaths due to accident, various diseases, ……………

Arjun:  Even mental or neurological diseases like Dementia, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson………..

Shri Krishna: True. In short, these things are unpredictable. Children in educated families often prefer to settle abroad. Therefore, when you are planning to give a particular thing to a particular person, also think of alternatives. If that person does not survive or that person does not continue the same relationship.

Arjun: Tell me Bhagwan, now-a-days couples prefer only one child. In that case, is a Will required at all?

Shri Krishna: There may not be another child to raise a dispute. But, can you guarantee that the relation between your spouse and child will remain cordial? If there is one house, your son or daughter-in-law may not want your wife to stay with them. If there is no Will, the son will have equal share with his mother.

Arjun: Oh! I have seen such instances.

Shri krishna Similarly, if your son settles abroad and totally neglects you or your spouse in old age  and a nephew or a neighbour looks after you, would you still like your property to devolve on your son?

Arjun: Yes, a very valid point. So, preparing a Will is very desirable.

Shri Krishna: Another situation. If you have a son and a daughter, both are married and with children. If your son or daughter deceases prematurely, whether his/her share should go to their respective spouses or directly to their children or be divided among all of them?

Arjun: It may also happen that after the son’s or daughter’s death, his or her spouse may get re-married, then the circumstances totally change.

Shri Krishna: Arjun, you are very intelligent. In short, while preparing a Will one has to be very objective and not emotional. One should take care of all practical situations that can happen. That will facilitate the task of the executor.

Arjun: Shri Krishna, many people think of creating a Trust for the benefit of their dependents. How far is it feasible?

Shri Krishna: It is a big topic and we will discuss it later.

Om Shanti!!


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