Each year, on New Year, there is the tendency to make ‘resolutions’. Each year, people make tall resolutions but, tragically, never live up to their resolutions! This is sad. Come, on this New Year, let’s pledge that we will accomplish our resolutions! Second, let’s make a Positive Resolution – a resolution that solves all the hurdles of our life and give us a new direction to think and to usher in a new sunrise! But remember, the ‘sunshine’ should not be limited to our selfish needs alone but must be such that it eradicates the darkness and gloom in the lives of our near and dear ones, our friends and our neighbours! The sunshine should be so bright that it helps us to show the path and reach our destination!
Every person on this Earth faces hurdles and difficulties but, instead of fighting these difficulties, many people surrender and accept defeat or others curse their destiny. But there are a few who face these challenges with courage and determination and emerge winners! It is these people who should be our source of inspiration. If we make them our idols and move ahead, then I am sure the New Year shall prove a boon for all.
If the legendary blind, deaf and dumb Helen Keller who was determined and had a positive frame of mind succeeded in her life, likewise we, too, can reach our goals and be successful. Remember, like the ant that keeps moving despite falling several times, similarly, we should never surrender in life. We must keep battling until we are victorious. History is packed with eminent personalities to inspire us and we should take a leaf out of their lives and move ahead in our lives.

Today, our life is becoming hectic due to the fast and stressful life. As a result of this new lifestyle, we are forced to consume fast food which ultimately affects our health. Due to this odd lifestyle, even the youth as young as 22 are becoming victims of deadly diseases like heart attack, etc.! It is a serious concern for the nation, because if the youth of the country become weak, then who will take the country forward to progress and development? Thus, it is high time the youth of today make a ‘positive resolution’ and dump the fast-food culture, eat healthy food, exercise and work for the betterment of society.
On this New Year’s Eve, Home Times urges the youth of Mulund to think positively and come forward to lend support for a New Mulund and a Better Mulund!

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