Heart Attack

Why Striking Young Indians More?? 

Prevent naturally without Medicine & without any Side-effect (Part- II)
In India, Heart disease kills more people than any other disease and accounts for the largest share in health expenditure!  `Monisha’s Mantra, Mumbai` is diligently working on spreading conscious awareness of preventing heart diseases and heart attacks through our various programs.

Our heart is a muscular organ, pumping around 5 litres of blood per minute and delivering essential nutrients and oxygen to the whole body through blood vessels – arteries and veins. The coronary arteries are blood vessels which provide the heart muscle constant supply of oxygen-rich blood.

What is a Heart Attack?
A Heart Attack, also called Myocardial Infarction (MI), is permanent damage to the heart muscle. The coronary arteries become narrowed due to build-up of fatty matter, calcium and proteins. This hardens up to form plaques which can rupture forming blood clots. A heart attack occurs when a blood clot completely blocks the blood flow to the heart, resulting in the death of that area of the heart muscle.

Why should we wait to experience the warning signs of Heart Attack?
Let us all begin now. At our Monisha`s Mantra, Mumbai, we help individuals to naturally prevent HEART ATTACK, without medicine & without any side-effect in the following manner:

Start moving because physical inactivity is one of the major causes of heart diseases.
Limit foods having transfats like cakes, pastries, deep-fried foods, packaged snacks, full-fat dairy products.

Sujok Therapy:

Daily stimulating and pumping of heart point on the palm of both hands for a minute, 4-5 times daily (pic 1).

Find a painful point of heart on palm, below the thumb and apply pumpkin seed daily at night (pic 2).

Monisha Rawat – Founder of `Monisha`s Mantra`, Mumbai M.Sc. M.D.(Alternative Medicine), Life Coach, Master in SuJok, Consulting Nutritionist, Corporate Trainer, Holistic Counselor, Sujok Diabetes Specialist, International Lecturer for Sujok &; Smile Taiji.

Award Winner as the BEST PERFORMING TEACHER by International Sujok Association (ISA) – SIC 2019 NATIONAL EXCELLENCE HEALTH AWARD – 2019 An ISO Certified Center at Mumbai
Mulund – 8655139777/ 9029960086, Goregaon – 8422947592 /9820343592
Web: wwwmonishamant.com

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