Mulund Traffic Police initiates penalty of Rs. 50 per hour on khataaras! 

Acting on the orders of the state government, the Mulund Traffic Police has tightened its belt against the khataaras (abandoned vehicles) and has started slapping a fine of Rs. 50/- per hour! In Mulund, Traffic Police took action against 206 abandoned vehicles.

The Traffic Police has been asked to be stringent due to the growing traffic menace in the city. On the one hand, due to the Metro work already the road’s width has shrunk while illegal parking has eaten almost the remaining part of the road. On top of this, the little space left for travelling has been consumed by the unnecessary khataaras. Hence, the Bombay High Court has instructed state government to ask Traffic Police to initiate strict and prompt action against illegally parked vehicles and impose Rs. 50 per hour penalty on khataaras under Section 201 of the Motor Vehicles (MV) Act.

Mulund senior Traffic Police officer, Sharad Ovhal, told Home Times, “The penalty of Rs. 50 per hour has yielded results and there is terror among the owners of these khataaras. Earlier, when we used to paste a notice on the windshield of the car, the impact was negligible as many owners tore and threw it away! However, after the implementation of the penalty, khataara owners are removing their vehicles from the street.” He added, “The new penalty system of paying Rs. 1200 per day and an additional charge for towing towing has created fear among the khataara owners. With khataaras off the road, the menace of the traffic jam is also slowly reducing.”

Details of Traffic Police action in Mulund
From March 22 to April 30 in Mulund a total of 206 khataaras were penalized and Traffic Police generated a revenue of Rs 2, 95, 576/- It may be noted just 161 owners paid a penalty of Rs. 1.46 lacs while the remaining 54 khataaras were sent to the BMC junk yard.

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