Mayor Drawing Competition held in Mulund

More than 3000 students participated with enthusiasm and excitement in the Mayor Drawing Competition held on Sunday, January 13. The civic body administration had made elaborate arrangements in the various municipal gardens in Mulund to accommodate such a huge crowd of students.

Each year, BMC organizes Mayor Drawing Competition and generally this competition witness huge participation of students. The topics for the drawing competition are usually diverse but are always current and topical. The objective behind the drawing competition is to get an insight into the minds of the students about the various problems plaguing the country and how to fight them through their creative drawings.

This Mayor Drawing Competition was attended by BMC T-Ward Administrative Officer, Nandu Ghare, Beat Officer Shivdutta Kotekar, Sudhir Patil, Ritu Salvi, Madhukar Shinde and Nanda Gosavi. In addition, many school teachers and other BMC officials were also present.

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